PAGES – 493


Okay, so here’s the thing. I have always thought of figure skating as graceful and a deeply romantic sport. You watch a program and you can feel what the skater feels. Can you do that with any other sport? Maybe swimming or running? Heck, any sport can be laced with emotions with just the right amount of human touch to it. Here’s the other thing, a 17 year old me loved the enemies to lover trope. A classic. Now when you tell me that I can have figure skating and the trope in a single book, I’ll read it for sure.

But it was disappointing.

The writing was horrible. All the basic cliches were right there. I had a hard time sympathizing with the main female character. Her only personality was that she was angry all the damn time. The story follows her and her rival, Lukov. They pair up for a season and have to work together, move past their differences etc. Basic. It could have been a fun read if it wasn’t so badly written. The female lead had a large family, I could never care to remember how many siblings she had or how many of them were married. Honestly, there seemed to be a lot. And her mother was such a badly written character. She was in her 50s but she spoke as if she was 15 years old. It was so cringey to read that.

I should have kept a count of the number of times the author mentioned when someone blinked. I get it, she was trying hard to give her one dimensional characters some human characteristics. Look, he blinks!

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